Health Pharm
Health Pharm
Saturday, August 15, 2009



Pharmaceutics is the discipline of pharmacy that deals with the process of turning a new chemical entity (NCE) or old drugs into a medication to be used safely and effectively by patients. It is also called the science of dosage form design. There are many chemicals with pharmacological properties, but need special measures to help them achieve therapeutically relevant amounts at their sites of action. Pharmaceutics helps relate the formulation of drugs to their delivery and disposition in the body. Pharmaceutics deals with the formulation of a pure drug substance into a dosage form. Branches of pharmaceutics include:


  • Pharmaceutical formulation
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturing
  • Dispensing pharmacy
  • Pharmaceutical technology
  • Physical pharmacy
  • Pharmaceutical jurisprudence

Pure drug substances are usually white crystalline or amorphous powders. Historically before the advent of medicine as a science it was common for pharmacists to dispense drugs as is, most drugs today are administered as parts of a dosage form. The clinical performance of drugs depends on their form of presentation to the patient.

posted by Healthy Life @ 8:31 AM  
Saturday, June 17
Harnessing the Power of Online Calculators

In today's digital age, online calculators have become invaluable tools for simplifying complex calculations in various industries. When it comes to the pharma, health, and fitness domains, two essential conversions stand out: ml to mg and tsp to grams. These essential conversions support precise measurements in pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, cooking, and dietary tracking.

posted by Healthy Life @ 8:31 AM  
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Boost product magic

If you want to grow long hair in a month just buy boost product this will give you incredible results. The main thing is all the ingredients are made up of purely natural products. Root nutrition is the major factor for healthy hair. For healthy hair growth we must take care of our proper medication. When nutrition breaks the strength of the hair will be spoil easily. For optimal growth the boost hair vitamins and stimulating conditioner line to get the best hair vitamin enlargement sprays and rouse on the market. Healthy hair withstands damage during styling and peering using this product you can get best results .Find a smooth and super soft skin face without razor stubble or ingrown hairs. For guys if you want to remove the hair on you back it is the time to get it soon early as possible. Decrease unnecessary hair everywhere on the body including unwanted facial hair in women especially. At present there is a true significant solution for black hair removal process. You can use this product for pubic hair, facial hair, back hair and leg hair.

posted by Healthy Life @ 9:44 AM  
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Okinawa Diet Review

The Okinawa diet is a diet that aims at losing body weight by including low calorie foods in an individual's diet. To ensure a lower intake of calories, this type of diet focuses on the amount of calories provided by one gram of various food items. This type of diet splits up various food items in four different categories, based on the calories offered by them.

Foods which offers caloric density lesser than or equal to 0.8 for a gram, are included in the "Featherweight" category. Food items which have caloric density from 0.8 to 1.5 per gram are placed in the 'Lightweight" category. In the "Middleweight' category, those foods are included which have a caloric density ranging from 1.5 to 3 for a single gram. The 'Heavyweight" category comprises of foods which provide a caloric density from 3 to 9 calories per gram.

This diet plan suggests that an individual should include food items from "Feather weight" and "Lightweight" category, in his diet routine. Foods in other two categories should be avoided. By now you must have got the idea about the basic plan of the dieting procedure.

This diet plan focuses on burning more calories than an individual consumes. For burning more calories, exercise should also be a part of the daily routine. This will help you to lose weight in a short period of time. A number of people have been benefited by following Okinawa diet. It is really effective in losing extra weight from the body.

posted by Healthy Life @ 9:49 AM  
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Lemons for Asthma Attacks and Other Illnesses
Lemons, they are one of the best fruits to use if you are sick or have asthma. Learn why and how you need to use them if you have asthma

Most people shy away from lemons because they are sour. Or, they make lemon juice and then kill their beneficial effects by adding sugar. Well, here is what your are missing if you don't drink fresh natural lemon aid every morning.

For asthma, lemon juice is great because it,

It is antiseptic - kills germs that hide in your mucus
It destroys bad bacteria that lives in your mouth, stomach, and intestines
It helps to dissolve mucus so when you have a cold or cough you recover quicker. The combination of 8 oz of water and lemon greatly cuts into your thick mucus that builds up in your bronchial tubes.
Helps to cleanse your blood and clean blood makes your lung tisse healthier

Lemons are high in vitamin C and potassium. They also contain plenty of fiber and phytochemcials, which contain antioxidants many of which have not been studied.

Use only lemons that are yellow and don't have any signs of green. You can store lemons in a plastic bag in the refrigerator and they will last for up to 5-6 days. To use these lemons bring them out and let them come to room temperature.

If you have a lot of lemons, you can squeeze the juice and freeze them in ice trays for later use.

If you have acid reflux or ulcers use lemons with caution and use your common sense to decide how much juice to drink. With acid reflux or ulcers use DGL or Mastic gum to clear the H..pyloric bacteria.

Lemons also tend to thin the blood so if you are on drugs that thin the blood, avoid using a lot of lemon juice.

When you have asthma, you can use 3-4 lemons daily. You can use up to ten lemons per day without much problem when you are trying to resolve a health issue. What you can do for asthma is make a thermos drink where you squeeze 4-5 lemons into 32 oz or less of distilled water and drink this juice all day long. Just remember to rinse out your mouth with fresh water after you drink the lemon juice.
posted by Healthy Life @ 8:20 PM  
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